My Home. For forever and for always! :')
And the lights went down.
This, my room, where we wrote a million things on the wall. My wall requires a complete different post. It's.. well, colourful. Anyway this room was where we turned into legit adults. Had our computer here. "Illegal" computer times. Haha.
Pretty pretty gate. You could see half the road standing near the door. And play dhobi dhobi and pahad paani agni jal on the steps outside. Or gossip on the platform. And draw rangoli on it. And race Everytime so that you wouldn't be the last one in and hence the person to close the gates.
Shoe cupboard which we (Meenal and me) never used because kicking shoes outside was so much easier. They tried patching it up last Diwali.
TV and landline room and our bedroom till kaka moved out on the right and mummy daddy room on the left. And on that window the calender from which you had to tear a page everyday. Oh and the dining table whose 2 chairs you couldn't use because they were stuck to the wall. Also the right room door where we used to swing by being placed in a chunni tied to the door. We also played some shitty game with those chunnis.
Kitchen and the mattress cupboard where we loved sneaking in and making noise and pretending shit. We started making petrol in the kitchen hi.
Store room was magic. It had like a gazillion things alwayss. The coolest room the in the summers. Our most antique stuff existed there. I have never prayed to that God till date. :P
Oh and the amazing amazing backyard where all the phone conversations happened as we grew up. Where apparently the Luna was kept when we were small/didn't exist. Those pipes there was how you got to the chhat. Perfect for star gazing this place and just being. :'))
Emptying a house empties you only.
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