Moving: Regression

At the risk of sounding redundant, exactly like this Blogger platform, our minds are unimaginably complex places.

It is so easy to regress back in similar situations to someone you used to be, even if it in fact is a new group of people or a new geography. I had some time on my hands now and got to thinking about how some of my behaviour stems from my prior experiences in poor socializing when I was younger. How being alone this time around is peaceful and I seek it but it somehow feels like punishment. I like quiet because it genuinely rescues me from games and performances I do not understand or want to participate in. Yet, a part of me still behaves as if it wants what it wanted when I was 16 or 18 or 22. It felt hurtful in the same way. I've fundamentally changed as a person and want other things from life and yet it takes time to completely heal. 



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