Day 11 #100daysofhappiness2023
For the lack of a better picture, an enthusiasm-inducing call. I don't know at what point, we switched from academics to life but well I don't know how to describe it except of feeling being able to feel capable. Wanting to be things like intelligent without understanding how or putting in the work is how I think I've operated in life? I've been looking for tools and information to get in the area that I seek and I think I am finally adjacent to it. Now, that nothing is fixed and a blank state, anything can be possible.
I don't have a good picture for the other one but a really kind approachable professor. She did her best to reduce the load on me - academic and mental. Everybody asked me whether it helped, God bless them because I also didn't ask me that. I was on my next worry already. Its cute how everyone paused for a bit for me. Made me think how the pressure is less from the structure, more from me to me. I expect me to do this well. Very reasonable. But now to adjust to life and reality. Shrugsss.
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