What I mean when I say Iove you

When I say Iove you, I mean thank you for saying you're okay. Thank you for accepting me so joyfully because you thought that my weird would fit right in with your weird. Even when I couldn't see your weird. I mean I'm astounded that I could feel so safe around you. I mean I trust against my own disbelief that things will remain the same, even when we are not together, because you know me. I mean that after so much, slowly and steadily, I found myself thinking of you as my own. My own with bonds made of time and laughter and raw vulnerability. That if I chose to ever cry, it'll be with you and you'll be listening to me. As I would too. 

I think this is what the warmth of love means. 🌼

I saw The Lunchbox today and it's charming. I'd saved this image long back because it felt haunting. 

Beautiful still! :)


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