A Book

I've been intending to write about my corner and insides for a while now but got so caught up in everything. As per uszh.

So Bumble boy (V) gifted me a book that last time. It was so sweet. It didn't matter that he gives them to everyone for keepsake. Or that this isn't going anywhere or that it wouldn't have anyway.

I think it struck me how nice it is to have someone be thoughtful and respect you and be good without expecting anything out of it. It sounds like basic human decency but how do I explain that I think even that is too much to ask.

Maybe it's giving this gesture way too much thought. One thing I do know, kindness leaves its mark. Or maybe it does on me because I value it immensely. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also, the book was excellent because I keep wondering about those things too much.

I needed this. ✨
If only to remember who I can be, what I can be perceived as and to see that I can be valued. 

I was thinking today about writing this down and he texted about leaving and now I know my summer romance pipedream expiration date. Younger me was so in love with the idea of everything forever but I am learning to not particularly detest end dates anymore. 

And to V, thank you for breaking the streak of As! 📌


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