Unobjectivity - can you only do your best if you're unattached to people, outcomes etc.?
Social skills>cognitive skills/any skill at all
Know when to be lax = as important as getting things done
Small talk v v v imp
Full stories = fair judgement
Wonder how will I do in corporate - never slogged 12 hours at a stretch
Long haul v v v v imp
People are what they are, their working styles are what they are. Less time you spend cribbing about it, more time you have to figure out how to get around it
People take you only as seriously you take yourslf. take charge. Worrying about things that are not now, doesn't help. Hopefully you cross bridges when you come to them.
Communication is key to avoid conflicts, work better/faster (especially in terms of delegating work - to be indispensable, be dispensable so that YOUR work is in the important non-urgent zone) and to bounce off ideas.
Be aware about what you're giving your attention and time to
Switch off
Good management = genuine care? Or is that being a good human? Maybe there is no clear demarcation. Conventional management advice doesn't hold when there are no career advancement plans (seemingly) and money not being the *only* incentive.
Sometimes the first two even interchangibly!
Social skills>cognitive skills/any skill at all
Know when to be lax = as important as getting things done
Small talk v v v imp
Full stories = fair judgement
Wonder how will I do in corporate - never slogged 12 hours at a stretch
Long haul v v v v imp
People are what they are, their working styles are what they are. Less time you spend cribbing about it, more time you have to figure out how to get around it
People take you only as seriously you take yourslf. take charge. Worrying about things that are not now, doesn't help. Hopefully you cross bridges when you come to them.
Communication is key to avoid conflicts, work better/faster (especially in terms of delegating work - to be indispensable, be dispensable so that YOUR work is in the important non-urgent zone) and to bounce off ideas.
Be aware about what you're giving your attention and time to
Switch off
Good management = genuine care? Or is that being a good human? Maybe there is no clear demarcation. Conventional management advice doesn't hold when there are no career advancement plans (seemingly) and money not being the *only* incentive.
Sometimes the first two even interchangibly!
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