Already late!
So one of the main reasons for starting this blog was to improve myself, and I was going to start with punctuality. And also, brushing at night! Wanted to start from 1st July - you know, a new month and all. But its already 2nd. The irony.
I am going to try and avoid making this into a personal journal or something. Already do that a lot. I am going to be happy here. Make this my happy place. Also, this way, the blog can remain public. Which is kind of the purpose of a blog, right? And unlike my previous few attempts, I am going to be dedicated and all this time. I have lots to say. And oh, I really need to talk to people. I will post some of my journal entries here though. Some good neutral things.
Wow, talking is really my thing. And typing out/talking what I am thinking makes my head clearer. So, tomorrow I am going to get up and finish a lot of Mathematical Economics with a test due on a Thursday. Oh have to do my edX thing. Got to finish my assignment by Wednesday 5:00 a.m. I like it this way. When I am busy I mean. So much to do!
Okay fine. Knowing as I am, I know most definitely I cannot keep this thing non-personal. Not now. When I need to talk (talk a lot) and blogging gives me the feeling of talking to someone out there, you know?
But family and friends and people from school all knowing everything about you would be so awkward. But you know what? People are shitty listeners anyway. I know I am generalizing but its the truth. Most cannot listen. But I think I am a pretty good listener. Ya. Tooting my own horn but haha, yaa!
So, tomorrow, complete the edX assignments. Go on to finish Unit 1 and start with Differential and Difference Equations. I am never going to finish, am I? Ohh ohh. *sad*
And also, strike 1 for today. Could not be punctual. :(
And will brush tonight.
Good Night! :)
PS - I started off with good intentions and now I am wondering how on Earth am I going to keep this non-personal! :/ We will see though! Keep you private for now maybe? I don't know!
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